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Tips: 5 Ways to Wellbeing

Small improvements in our wellbeing can help to decrease some mental health problems and also help us to get more out of life.

These 5 ways to wellbeing are proven to improve personal wellbeing. Read the full document.

Explore more tips:  #Connect  #BeActive  #KeepLearning  #TakeNotice  #GiveToOthers

Offer someone a compliment.

But keep it short and sweet, people can feel embarrassed by over-the-top compliments.

#tips #givetoothers

Go for a Swim!

Simply being immersed in water tends to lower your blood pressure and heart rate. Exercising in water is a great way to build fitness and have fun.


Exercising in water is a great way to build fitness and have fun.

Regular physical activity is associated with a greater sense of wellbeing and lower rates of depression and anxiety.


Consider calling a friend.

It’s often easy to text or email, but talking is a great way to strengthen relationships.


Where possible try to remove distractions from your bedroom.

It is better to watch TV, play computer games and eat in another room. This will allow you to relax with no distractions in your bedroom.

#tips #takenotice

SLEEP TIPS - For more information and tips on sleep

Visit the Sleep Foundation - https://www.sleepfoundation.org/

#tips #keeplearning

SLEEP TIP - Try the Mindfulness course at the Recovery College

Mindfulness has been shown to improve our emotional regulation, which can help sleep. https://www.slamrecoverycollege.co.uk/courses.html

#tips #keeplearning

SLEEP TIP - Do some gentle stretching or progressive muscle relaxation

This will encourage your whole body to relax and help you sleep - http://bit.ly/hl-relaxation

#tips #keeplearning

Read about recovery, self management and spotting warning signs

Visit Rethink - http://bit.ly/hl-rethink

#tips #keeplearning

SLEEP TIP - If you can’t sleep within 15 minutes of going to bed - stop trying: go to another room or sit in a chair and read a book. Return to bed when you feel sleepy again

This will strengthen the association of bed with sleep rather than being awake.

#tips #keeplearning

SLEEP TIP - Have pen and paper by your bed to jot down worrying thoughts or ideas

This may help stop you going over and over them.

#tips #keeplearning

SLEEP TIP - Take a warm bath or shower at least an hour before bedtime

The rise and fall in body temperature supports the release of sleep enhancing hormone melatonin.

#tips #keeplearning

SLEEP TIP - Avoid using your phone, iPad or laptop an hour before going to bed, and avoid using them in bed. Remove digital distractions like TV from your bedroom.

The backlight on devices suppresses melatonin - the hormone that helps you sleep. If you do need to use them change the display settings to reduce the brightness (blue light exposure).

#tips #keeplearning

SLEEP TIP - Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol 4 hours before bed and avoid late meals or snacking

These can all be stimulating for your body and mind.

#tips #keeplearning

SLEEP TIP - Avoid daytime napping even if you have not slept well the night before

If you have to have a nap, limit it to 20 minutes and avoid napping after 5pm.

#tips #keeplearning

SLEEP TIP - Ensure you go outside in natural daylight every day and try regular exercise

This can regulate your internal body clock and help you concentrate, sleep, look and feel better.

#tips #keeplearning

How about developing a nightly routine such as reading or listening to music.

It helps tell your unconscious mind that you are ready for bed.

#tips #takenotice

What about avoiding caffeine and eating two hours before bed?

This can help you get to sleep.

#tips #takenotice

If things are getting too much for you and you feel you can’t cope, ask for help.

We all get tired sometimes or overwhelmed by how we feel, or sometimes things don’t go to plan.


This week, how about making time to catch up with someone you care about.

Feeling close to, and valued by other people contributes to functioning well in the world.


How about, instead of watching TV or being on the computer - play a board game with someone.

Games can stimulate the mind and boost creativity.


You could find opportunities to volunteer.

Small acts of kindness towards other people can make you feel happier and more fulfilled.

#tips #givetoothers

Do you think you could try something new today.

Maybe taste a new food or travel a new route. These small steps can help you experience the world in a new way.

#tips #keeplearning

Why not treat yourself?

Do something you really enjoy to boost your wellbeing.

#tips #takenotice

Have you thought about reflecting on what others can do to support you, and then letting them know.

Often other people want to be a support but don’t know how.

#tips #takenotice

Have you considered telling a friend about a goal you want to reach?

See if they can help you get there. By allowing others to help not only increases the likelihood of you succeeding but can also strengthen your relationship.


Set a memory challenge, for example work towards remembering all the countries in Europe or recognising their flags.

This can also boost your confidence and occupy your mind in a positive and active way.

#tips #keeplearning

Today, how about walking a bit more that you usually would.

Evidence shows moods can improve after 10 minutes of exercise.


Next time it is sunny, how about you look up at the sky, close your eyes and feel the sunlight on your face.

Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin - associated with boosting mood and feeling calm and focused.

#tips #takenotice

Tomorrow morning, what about spending a few minutes rotating your wrists, shoulders then ankles.

This will gently wake up your body.


Go outside and take some photos of something natural and beautiful.

Taking the time to notice the changing seasons will help you appreciate what you see.

#tips #takenotice

Turn your phone off when trying to wind down before you go to bed.

Backlit displays suppress melatonin production – the hormone that helps you sleep.

#tips #takenotice

Try a new sport or hobby, it’s never too late to try something new.

Exercise releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good.


Watch your alcohol intake.

Be aware of your own limits and take care of your physical and mental wellbeing.

#tips #takenotice

Don’t compare yourself to other people.

If you value and accept yourself, you are more likely to have positive relationships with other people and find it easier to cope during difficult times in your life.

#tips #takenotice

Offer to help someone with something.

Seeing yourself and your happiness linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and creates connections with the people around you.

#tips #givetoothers

Before bed tonight, you could try noting down your plans for the next day.

This way you won’t worry about forgetting to do things.

#tips #takenotice

What about organising a time to meet a friend you haven’t seen in a while.

Building solid and varied social connections in your life can increase your feelings of happiness and self-worth.


Why not cook something different today.

Learning can boost your self confidence.

#tips #keeplearning

Treat someone to something they really enjoy, to show them you care.

Committing an act of kindness once a week over a six-week period is associated with an increase in wellbeing.

#tips #givetoothers

For your next meal, how about eating a little healthier than you usually would.

Eating more vegetables for example can make people feel happier.

#tips #takenotice

How about making a list of things you enjoy.

Find a local group where you can meet people who share your interests.


Have you considered inviting a close friend or family member to be aware of your triggers?

Often those close to us can recognise things more easily than we can ourselves.

#tips #takenotice

What about trying mindfulness?

See if becoming more aware of your thoughts can help you. It can be challenging at first, but should gradually become enjoyable.

#tips #takenotice

Think about someone you appreciate.

You could write down why they mean so much to you, then tell them how grateful you are to know them. Maintaining strong relationships can add to your wellbeing.


Try yoga, go to a class, or search on YouTube and do it at home.

There is a close relationship between physical health and mental health. Keeping fit can improve our mental wellbeing too.


Put your headphones on, play your favourite song and dance, hum, tap or sing along.

Singing can increase oxygenation levels in your blood stream but also reduce stress levels.


Cook a meal and invite someone over to share it. (Maybe ask them to bring dessert).

Connecting with others can help you feel more positive and supported, and by cooking a meal for them you can also make the people around you feel valued and cared for.

#tips #givetoothers

Make a plan for something to do everyday next week.

Become motivated by achieving your goals - however simple they are to begin with.

#tips #takenotice

Find your balance of keeping busy and taking time out to relax.

It’s important to make time to relax, even if you don’t feel under stress.

#tips #takenotice

If you find yourself with people that don’t make you feel good, consider meeting some new people.

Supportive, positive people can boost your self-esteem.

#tips #takenotice

Open doors and smile for people.

When you feel good about giving to others you can enhance your own wellbeing as well as the person whose life you touch.

#tips #givetoothers

Have you tried exercising regularly?

It can boost your self-esteem and help you concentrate, sleep, look and feel better.


Maybe you could talk to a close friend or family member about how you’re feeling today.

Opening up and acknowledging your feelings can help you feel supported.

#tips #givetoothers

How about taking notice of sensations your body feels.

For example feeling the air on your face when you’re outside. This is the first step to mindfulness.

#tips #takenotice

This week, how about learning a new craft or skill and gift your creation to someone you appreciate.

Giving to others can enhance your own wellbeing and learning something new can help boost your self esteem.

#tips #givetoothers

Perhaps do something relaxing - listen to music, have a shower or bath or go for a walk.

This may help you reduce stress.

#tips #takenotice

Today, could you set yourself a new goal?

Consider what achieving it would mean to you and how you could stay motivated. Goals associated with a commitment to family, friends and social involvement can promote life satisfaction.

#tips #takenotice

Learn more about something that interests you - take a book out from the library, discuss it or look it up online.

Learning can help boost your self-confidence.

#tips #keeplearning

When exercising be aware of when you breathe more deeply.

When you do, endorphins are released - a naturally occurring chemical that makes you feel good.


What about doing some simple stretches.

A small increase in your activity level can enhance your wellbeing.


Buy yourself a house plant.

This can increase the amount of oxygen in your home.

#tips #takenotice

Staying hydrated is important as your brain is more than 70% water.

Drinking water ensures your body has the energy it needs to be active throughout the day.


Have a routine that includes preparing your brain and body for sleep, then setting a similar time each day to get up.

It will help you feel more energetic.

#tips #takenotice

Try not to let other people’s ignorance of mental health affect you.

If you want to, you could try to help them understand.

#tips #takenotice

Keep an exercise diary.

See your confidence and fitness develop.


Create a goal for yourself based on one of the 5 ways to wellbeing.

Share your own tips, or suggest an addition or amendment to this page.

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